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5 Questions You Need to Ask Before Hiring a Personal Trainer

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

Personal Trainer Advice
Image from Wix

Why should you hire a personal trainer? Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, a personal trainer can be an invaluable resource. They provide accountability and extensive knowledge, help you build a routine, and improve your exercise techniques. But before you commit to working with a personal trainer, you must ask them the right questions to ensure they fit your needs.

Why Asking These Five Questions is Important:

Asking these five questions can save you time, money, and frustration from hiring the wrong person. Personal training is an investment in your health and well-being, and working with the right trainer can make a significant difference in your progress. By asking these questions, you can gauge the trainer's coaching style, commitment to your goals, approach to building a workout routine, ability to handle setbacks, and flexibility in adapting to your unique needs.

A personal trainer should guide you in your fitness journey, take the stress off your plate, and make life easier. They should provide structure and guidance, eliminating the need for you to figure out complex workout plans and routines on your own. A good trainer will create a tailored program that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle, considering your schedule, preferences, and any limitations you may have. Doing so allows you to focus on the important task of showing up and giving your best effort during each session without the added burden of planning and organizing your workouts.

Adhering to a routine is essential for long-term fitness success, and a personal trainer should understand the importance of finding a routine that you enjoy and can seamlessly incorporate into your daily life. They should consider your needs, preferences, and interests when designing your workout plan. Whether it's incorporating activities you genuinely love or adjusting the timing of your sessions to align with your energy levels, a good trainer will ensure that your routine is sustainable and enjoyable. This approach increases your chances of sticking to the program and makes the fitness journey a more rewarding and fulfilling experience. Remember, the right personal trainer supports and guides you, making your fitness routine a seamless and enjoyable part of your life.

The 5 questions to ask before signing up with a personal trainer

Question 1: What is your coaching style?

One important question to ask a potential personal trainer is about their coaching style. Do they expect you to track calories? Are they more hands-on, or do they initiate contact? Understanding their coaching style will help determine if their approach aligns with your preferences and goals. If they advocate for tracking calories, it is crucial to clarify whether they focus on "good" and "bad" foods. Beware of trainers who promote a strict labeling system, as it can contribute to guilt and food insecurities, hindering your progress and overall relationship with food.

Healthy eating tracking calories
Image from Wix

Question 2: What does a weekly/bi-weekly check-in look like?

Accountability plays a significant role in personal training success. Inquire about the frequency and format of check-ins. If you need more accountability, look for trainers who offer weekly check-ins and are willing to invest time in understanding your daily life and personal circumstances. A trainer who genuinely cares about you will guide you toward your goals more effectively.

Question 3: What is your approach to building a workout routine?

The approach to building a workout routine should be tailored to your specific goals and preferences. Pay attention to the trainer's ability to listen and understand your needs. If they fail to ask about your physical goals or disregard your preferences for specific exercises, it may be a sign that they lack flexibility. A good personal trainer will work with you to develop a routine that suits your needs, considering your goals, limitations, and interests.

Question 4: What is your approach if I have a terrible week and eat poorly?

Setbacks and challenges are a part of any fitness journey, and it's essential to have a trainer who understands this. A skilled trainer will focus on positive affirmations and help you identify triggers, emotions, and underlying causes of unhealthy behaviors. If a trainer fails to inquire about your struggles or emotions, they may not provide the level of personalized support you need.

Question 5: How flexible are you with your application?

Flexibility is key when working with a personal trainer, especially if you have prior experience or specific preferences. You may not need to start from scratch if you're an athlete or have a fitness background. Additionally, if finding exercises you genuinely enjoy is important, the trainer should consider your preferences. Moreover, in scenarios like injury, a good trainer will be adaptable and adjust your program accordingly.

Workout partner and trainer
Image from Wix

It's vital to take the time to vet potential trainers before committing. By asking the five important questions outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that the trainer aligns with your goals, preferences, and values. It's crucial to find someone who understands your needs, provides accountability, possesses extensive knowledge, and is flexible in adapting to your unique circumstances. To find the perfect personal trainer, contact us. Take the next step towards achieving your goals and start your journey with the right personal trainer by your side.

or reach out to her by direct message on Instagram @seatodream

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