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Working Out VS Training

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

What is the difference between working out and training?

To workout out is to move your body in a way that makes you feel good. A person performs exercises based on their current mood and what they feel like trying. There might be a routine but it can be changed, there's flexibility. That person is either making the workout as they go (choosing different exercises) or performing an exercise that they enjoy in that specific moment.

On the other hand, training is when there is a set routine and schedule in order to accomplish a specific goal. A person who trains has planned specifically what their workout routine will be for the weeks ahead. It's not based on their mood of the day. It's more rigid and organised, because usually there is a particular time frame in which they expect to achieve their goal. This requires more consistency and focus since sleep, diet and recovery must be optimal to train effectively.

Which one is better for you?

When I first started my fitness journey, all I did was workout. I didn't have any strict routine or defined lifting/physique goal, the big goal was to learn and try as many things as possible. I would spend hours trying new exercises and learning how to do them correctly (proper form is incredibly important, I used youtube as my main source).

After a while, I started reading up on split workouts and decided to try it out. I tried all kinds of different exercises and routines. I'd try each one for three weeks, this included

PPL (Push Pull Legs)

Upper & Lower

Full Body & Cardio

Chest Triceps/Legs Delts/ Back Biceps

Full body every other day

Now, there are more training splits, and everyone has their own preference. As I see it, if you are a BEGINNER, I would be less focused on the routine and more focused on learning proper form and trying everything. If you are experienced and already know how to preform the exercises properly, then try a split routine.

This is the part where I ask you, do you have specific fitness goals? If you answered yes, because you have physique goals (specifically to grow muscle) or want to lift a certain amount of weight, then you NEED to be TRAINING and following a split routine. You don't need to have experience, but you do need to find out what exercises are going to help you accomplish your goal. Once you have figured that out, learn them to perfection, practice, practice, practice. Then, when you have it down - start adding weight and intensity to either grow the muscles or achieve your desired lifting goal.

So, the takeaway is that if you're looking to be active and be a free soul with exercise, then workout! Do any routine that your heart desires, because exercise is so beneficial to your happiness and well-being. But if you have specific goals to grow muscle or lift a certain amount - start training. Get serious and make that commitment.

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